Curriculum Planning

Curriculum Planning

Learning   in any new language takes  place in 4   stages  through Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. While the first 2 skills develop at home, the next two skills develop in the school. The aim of any   pre –school curriculum is  therefore  to develop children in the pre- reading and pre- writing skills, as well as to develop an awareness about  themselves and their surroundings.

This is a very difficult job as the children  entering the school at 2 ½ years in the Mini KG are like  blank slates. Introduction to Alphabet, Numbers , Days of the week, Months of the year are all abstract concepts for them. The approach has to be from concrete to abstract, from known to unknown. The Play way Method is therefore the best way to plan the Curriculum for the preschoolers.

At “Spring Dale Nursery School” maximum effort is made to  make learning a joyful experience by following the Playway Method to its core and make each concept interesting for learning  .(For  eg.  before introducing letter ” A “ children will actually see many different objects beginning with the “phonic sound” of “A” like apple, axe, ant, alligator, ankle, ambulance etc. They will make body actions forming letter A, do Ariel writing of the letter saying a jingle “Up and Down with a line in between”, they will also color the letter and only then would call it as letter A of the alphabet. Games would be further played for letter recognition ,phonic sound recognition for reinforcing the abstract concept).