Pre- Primary Activities
14 th July 2016 – Aashadhi Ekadashi

Aashadi Ekadashi is a holy day of special significance to Vaishnavas followers of Hindu preserver god ‘Vishnu’. On this day people (warkari’s) go walking in huge procession from Aalandi to Pandharpur. The palakhis from Dehu (Tukaram’s), Paithan (Eknath’s), Trimbakeshwar (Nivruttinath’s), Muktainagar (Muktabai’s),Saswad (Sopandev’s) and from Shegaon Saint Gajanan Maharaj’s also join the procession by singing abhangas (chanting hymns) of all these saints dedicated to God Vitthal.
On Thursday 14th July, Aashadi Ekadashi was celebrated in school with great pomp. The procession started with a pooja performed by our Head Mistress of the paduka’s of Dnyaneshwar Maharaj in the palkhi (palanquin). The Sr. K.G. children carry the palkhi to the hall chanting .’ Dnyanba Tukaram’ , Dnyaneshwar mauli, Dnyanraj mauli Tukaram’.
Our Head Mistress told the significance of the day & performed pooja of lord Vithoba. One of our teacher told a very nice story of little ‘Namdev’ to the children and asked them to have faith,devotion and love as little Namdev’. A song in praise of god ‘ Vitthal’ called Aarti was sung along with the children by all the teachers. Children enjoyed a lot and got to know about this day by actually participating in the event.
21 st June 2016 – Yoga day

The International yoga day is celebrated on 21st June every year. The importance of yoga has been understood by all, even the western countries are now practicing yoga to keep their mental and physical state in stable position. They have admitted that yoga can do miracles.
In our school Headmistress Mrs. Sujata Mam told the students about the importance of yoga during the assembly and after that Sr. K.G. student were asked to gather assemble in the hall, where they performed yogasanas under the able guidance of teachers and Headmistress.
They started with a prayer followed by omkar & Pranayam. Then children performed sitting and standing asanas & surya namaskar Children enjoyed doing it and promised Sujata Mam that they will do it regularly.
29 th April 2016 – Project Display

On 29th April project display on ‘Types of houses’ was put up Models of all the types of houses like hut, bungalow, igloo, stilt house and different rooms in the house were very well made. Parents participation in making models, their creativity and skill was very appreciable. This also showed their involvement in upbringing & overall development of their child.
Children took great interest in watching it and showing their friends the models made by them. It was kept open for the parents on Parent’s Teacher Meeting day. Parents also got new ideas of making models. A bond between parent and child was seen, clearly developing through such projects.
8 th April 2015 – Prize Distribution

As the academic year was coming to an end ,an event to commemorate outstanding students in overall school activities was organized .Prizes were distributed to the winners of quiz competition Headmistress Sujata Madam was the chief Guest and was kind enough to give the prizes to the outstanding students. All the winners were smartly dressed with Red robe and graduation cap, it was the highlight of the program.

An event of Dramatization was conducted by Sr. K.G & Jr. K.G and dances by MINI K.G. Every Class was allotted the topic to prepare the skit and dance. Topics like animals, community helpers, fruits & vegetables,plants & flowers, food we eat were given. All children participated very enthusiastically and delivered the dialogues according to the script. All the skits gave valuable information to the children. It was a splendid performance by all the Jr & Sr. K.G children & the efforts taken by Sr.K.G Teachers. The children were dressed up according to the characters to be enacted & used various props for the drama. The stage was set up according to each skit. All children of Mini, Jr & Sr. K.G also enjoyed the skit & dance put up by the participants.
23 rd March 2015 – Quiz Competition

An Event of Quiz Competition was conducted for Sr. KG. Children on 23 March. Question of various categories were asked related to the topic of Language, Numbers, EVS, GK, Sports, Movies, Music.
FOUR Children from each class of Sr. KG were selected as a team. Every individual team was allotted time limit to answer the Questions. Quiz Competition was conducted by Jr. KG teachers. The children of Sr. KG answered the Questions very brilliantly.
Two teams SR.E & Sr. A were the winners of the Quiz Competition.
7 th March 2015 – Project

23 rd February 2015 – Story Telling Competition

As we all know vocabulary building is an important skill, so is listening. To know these skills in our Sr.K.G.students, a story telling competition was held on 23 rd February.
Many children had participated with different wonderful stories to tell to the audience, like..A bell for a cat, Summer season, The sweet jar, The farmer and the magic goose and so on…..
The children narrated stories using voice modulation, expressions and body language. They used flash cards and stick puppets as confidently as teachers. At the end of the story they also gave a valuable moral to the audience.
The teachers and parents should encourage the children to participate in such competitions as they help them to improve their confidence, memorization, over all development and remove stage fear.
HAND WRITING COMPETITION ( Monday,19th January 2015)

It is scientifically proven that handwriting develops better personality. People with good handwriting have better personality. They are accurate in judging others, have bigger ambition in life and they have good attitude and also people admiration. Handwriting also helps to develop confidence.
We are also trying our best to develop in our children the habit to write neatly and correctly. Our children and teachers are doing their best in all these areas. For Jr.K.G.:-Children wrote capital A-Z as the part of the handwriting competition with proper strokes ,touching Red to Blue line and correct formation which was held on 19/1/2015.
For Sr.k.G. :- Children wrote cursive handwriting which is an important tool for cognitive development particularly in training the brain to learn functional specialization that is the capacity for optional efficiency.
Fancy Dress Competition ( Monday,19th January 2015)

Fancy dress competition was held on 19th January, for Mini K.G. students. All the children were dressed up in colorful and innovative dresses. Those dresses depicted different birds, fruits, insects, saints, community helpers and flowers. Children were asked to prepare dialogues about the character they are dressed up for.
Each and every child prepared for the competition was given an opportunity to perform in front of other children. It was indeed a treat for all the teachers to see these tiny tots performing confidently on the stage. We all appreciated the efforts taken by the parents.