Pre-Primary Admission

Pre-Primary Admission

Qualifying Age

  1. Advertisement appears in all the leading newspapers in the month of November or December. Sale of prospectus begins thereafter.
  2. The Prospectus contains the application form
  3. Date and time for interaction with child & parents is given at the time of purchase of prospectus.
  4. At the time of submitting the application form the original birth certificate has to be shown. The application form must be correctly filled with a latest photograph of your child. A Photo copy of birth certificate and medical fitness certificate from a Pediatrician has to be attached to the form stating the Normalcy of the child to attend a regular school .
  5. Eligibility of admission to a particular class is decided by the management by observing the readiness of the child.
  6. Selection is declared immediately on the following day and admission is confirmed only after the payment of fees .
  • Under the RTE act we have 25% seats reserved for Mini KG.

Qualifying Age

  1. Mini KG: 3 years complete as on 31st December
  2. Jr. KG : 4 years complete as on 31st December
  3. Sr. KG: 5 years complete as on 31st December

Fee Structure

Sr. no.ParticularsPre-primary
1.Admission Fee
Tution Fee
Term Fee
Other Fee
2.Refundable Deposit20,000
Grand Total57,500


  1. Fee should be paid as specified in the fee structure in one installment by a Demand Draft drawn in favor of the School
  2. Office hours for fee transaction: 9.30am. to 2.30 pm. on working days.
  3. Bus fee are also to be paid in one installment. The bus route & the bus stop allotted will not be changed in the midst of one academic session.
  4. Admission will be confirmed after completion of the necessary office procedure & payment of the fees.
  5. In case of delay in payment of fees , admission will be cancelled.

Cancellation Rules

  1. In case parents wish to withdraw the admission of their child, it should be intimated to the school office before the school closes in second term for summer vacation.
  2. Fees will be deducted as per norms.